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Dr. Blake Dennis, ND

Dr. Blake Dennis a Naturopathic Doctor with over 4 years of dedicated practice in the field of natural medicine, 5 years in bodywork, 10 years in emotional clearing and hypnosis, and 15 years in energy work. He is committed to patient-centered care and holistic wellness on all levels of being.

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Philosophy and Approach


At the heart of Dr. Blake's practice lies his profound belief in the body's inherent capacity for healing. He approaches patient care with a holistic perspective, viewing each individual as a unique entity with a distinct set of physical, mental, emotional and social factors influencing their health.


Dr. Blake collaborates with his patients on a journey toward optimal well-being, focusing on personalized treatment plans that encompass nutrition, botanical medicine, lifestyle modifications, physical medicine, the mind-body connection, energy medicine, detoxification and other natural therapies. Dr. Blake is known for his ability to explain complex concepts in accessible terms to better empower patients to make the best possible and most informed choices about their health. He views himself less as a “doctor” viewing himself more as a teacher, a guide and a catalyst in his patient’s journey to wellness.


Dr. Blake earned his Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine (ND) degree from Bastyr University, a program recognized for its rigorous curriculum and emphasis on evidence-based practices. He further honed his skills through additional coursework in myofascial release, Cranial-Sacral Therapy, Visceral Manipulation, environmental medicine, mind-body medicine, and somatic trauma therapy, solidifying his expertise in treatment of acute and chronic pain, GI complaints, metabolic disorders, autoimmunity, and other chronic health dysfunctions.

Contributions to the Field

Dr. Blake is not only a practitioner, but also a dedicated educator. He frequently shares his expertise through engagement on social media and in educational seminars. He is developing workshops and retreats for building knowledge and skills in self-care and deep personal healing for fellow practitioners as well as members of public. Dr Blake’s development of Fascial Tuning® is a group of techniques and processes he’s created and developed over several years and are the culmination of his education and experience. Dr. Blake’s goal is to demystify naturopathic medicine and inspire individuals to take proactive steps toward a healthier, more connected and balanced life.

Personal Interests

When not practicing medicine and healing patients, Dr. Blake spends most of his time at the park or in the woods with his children -- exploring, playing and teaching them about the natural world. Part of Dr. Blake’s parenting includes teaching his family how to identify edible and medicinal plants. In addition to family time, Dr. Blake spends his time building small structures, gardening and using permaculture gardening principals. Dr. Blake’s goal is live a life more in alignment with natural systems both as a physician and as a human.

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